It's the opening of the truck show season and what a grand opening it was. More than 80 trucks in competition, and a few more on display. The Paul K Young Memorial Truck Championship was a jam-packed wow from the anticipation to the finish.

Always at the top of his game, Todd Roccapriore and his remake of Disorderly Conduct, a 1999 blue and black Peterbilt 379, was not just the king of the hill. He
owned it with six trophies including People's Choice, Best of Show Limited Mileage Bobtail, Best Lights, Best Paint, Best Engine and Best Interior Limited Mileage Bobtail. Roccapriore, who has more than 6,000 hours invested in this truck, explained how he consistently comes out on top. "I put my heart into it. And when I'm done, even though there may be things that I'd do different if I had it to do over, I know I've given it everything I've got. People may be able to put more money into it. I don't think it's all about the money. I know it's all about the heart."
Best of Show Limited Mileage Combo was awarded to Josh Reed/Lanita Specialized of Pioneer, Ohio,. He made a sizzling standout with his black and burgundy 2015 Kenworth W900L and 2015 Mac curtainside flatbed trailer. No detail left to chance, this truck lit up the parking lot and the eyes of every truck enthusiast.
A new category this year, Limited Mileage Dump Combo brought a few hot hoppers and haulers to the fore. Best of Show was awarded to Brian Davis/Davis Bros., Owensville, Ind., and the knockout Superfreak black and blue 2005 Peterbilt 379 pulling a 2012 Wilson DHW501. Speakers and sound round out the details as the deckplate rises and the party begins.
Mike Horst of Bethel, Pa., leaped onto center stage with his slick and shiny white and red 2006 Peterbilt 379, earning Best of Show Working Bobtail, the Jake Eilen Pride in Your Ride Award, and three other awards. His white with red accented theme carried from front to back, inside and out with a diamond tufted interior that absolutely stopped traffic.

Best of Show Working Combo and an armload of trophies went to Brad Caton/Eilen & Sons Trucking, Hampton, Minn., with their latest entry, a white black and blue 2014 Peterbilt 389 pulling a 2013 Mac tri-axle dump trailer painted to match.
While these trucks were the Best Of Show winners, every participant offered something special and every truck was someone's favorite.